Video Contributions by POGL Users

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This is a simple example of a GLSL fragment shader using OpenGL::Shader - the
shader is toggled off, then back on, midway through a rotation.

OpenGL::Shader abstracts and simplifies the loading/use of ARB, Cg and GLSL shaders.
Title:   Pink Teapot
Date:   September 03, 2007
Author:   Geoff Broadwell
This is a capture of a Perl script that generates animated
tiles using photographic sources - first by rendering a
hexagonal base tile to an FBO, then resampling the FBO as
a quad tile for display to the screen.

Created using POGL OpenGL and OpenGL::Image modules.
Tiling algorithm by Günter Bachelier
Title:   Redhead
Date:   August 27, 2007
Author:   Bob Free
This is a capture of a Perl script that generates animated
tiles using photographic sources - first by rendering a
base tile to an FBO, then further processing the tile
for display to the screen.

Created using POGL OpenGL and OpenGL::Image modules.
Tiling algorithm by Günter Bachelier
Title:   Hairy Top
Date:   August 18, 2007
Author:   Bob Free
This is a capture of a POGL benchmark (, 
using FBO for animating textures, using a blacklight shader.  
Title:   Blacklight
Date:   March 24, 2007
Author:   Bob Free
This is a capture of POGL's test app (, demonstrating:

* Vertex and Fragment Shader 1 - to create the metallic wireframe teapot

* Frame Buffer Objects (FBO) - render the teapot to a GPU texture

* Vextex Buffer Objects (VBO) - to define the cube and animate surface colors  
Date:   March 14, 2007
Author:   Bob Free
A video generated by GLgraph, a 3D graphing application written using Perl OpenGL.  
Title:   GLgraph
Date:   July 02, 2002
Author:   Jonas Jermann
GLUT displaylist demo, originally written by Mark Kilgard in 2001; 
ported to Perl OpenGL by Jean-Louis Morel in 2004.  
Title:   glutmech
Date:   October 04, 2001
Author:   Simon Parkinson-Bates