Perl OpenGL Distributions
This is the official site for the latest Perl OpenGL updates, source and binaries.
OpenGL v0.56_04
OpenGL-Image v1.02
OpenGL-Shader v1.01
POGL is a Perl OpenGL binding; you need to have Perl installed to use this module.
You must have a properly configured OpenGL installation, and FreeGLUT libraries - prior to
installing POGL.
See Installation instructions.
FreeGLUT libraries may be downloaded from
To use OpenGL::Image, you need to install
PerlMagick v6.3.5 or newer.
Stable releases are posted on CPAN:
The latest interim source and binary updates are only posted on this site, below:
ZIP files
ActivePerl PPMs now auctomatically install FreeGLUT.
Note: on Vista, PPM needs full write access to Perl's bin and site/lib folders, otherwise the install will fail.
If you have a previous rev of POGL, you should uninstall it first:
You need to install the right PPM for your version of Perl; you can test your perl version via:
ActivePerl 5.10.x
Currently testing - let us know if you'd like to test a pre-release version.
ActivePerl 5.8.x
ActivePerl 5.6.x
Contact the POGL team, if you have
problems installing POGL PPMs.
- since 0.55
OpenGL 0.56_04
Added OGA calc and affine functions
Added glpHasGPGPU
Added an ATI workaround for GL_ARB_shading_language_100 dependencies
Added VBO and FBO caching in OGAs - gl_util.h
Fixed gluProject and gluUnProject - was converting matrices to ints
Added glutSpecialUpFunc and glutWindowStatusFunc
Added dist option to Makefile.PL to support binary distributions
Switched from GLUT to FreeGLUT
Added FreeGLUT folder for Win32 DLLs
Implemented glutSetOption
Implemented glutGameModeString
Implemented glutEnterGameMode
Implemented glutLeaveGameMode
Implemented glutGameModeGet
Added glpFullScreen and glpRestoreScreen
Updated test.pl to support Game Mode
Implemented glutCloseFunc
Implemented glutLeaveMainLoop
Major refactoring of Makefile.PL
Renamed WGL interface option to W32API
Added help message to Makefile.PL
Added verbose option to Makefile.PL
Added documentation comments to OpenGL.xs
Added glpHasGLUT
Updated test.pl to run texhack if no GLUT
Added a countdown timer to examples/texhack
Fixed GL_X_BYTES in assign
Fixed vertex.glsl to work on newer nvidia cards
Added support for building POGL via cygwin
Added glutKeyboardUpFunc
OpenGL 0.56_01
Updated test.pl to fix fullscreen handling
Fixed OpenGL.pod to reflect correct module name
Added FBO constants to param enums in gl_util.c
Implemented GL_ARB_point_parameters
Implemented GL_ARB_multisample
Implemented GL_ARB_color_buffer_float
OpenGL 0.56
Updated typemap to add GLcharARB and GLhandleARB
Implemented GL_EXT_texture_cube_map
Implemented GL_ARB_shader_objects
Implemented GL_ARB_fragment_shader
Implemented GL_ARB_vertex_shader
Implemented GL_ARB_shading_language_100
Implemented GL_EXT_Cg_shader
Updated test.pl to use OpenGL::Shader
OpenGL 0.55_04
Updated to reflect default Targa driver in test.pl
OpenGL 0.55_03
Fixed a build dependency
Updated data allocation on
Made and optional on
Made and optional on
Added support to test.pl
OpenGL 0.55_02
Broadwell's gl_pixelbuffer_size fix
OpenGL 0.55_01
Added sub-version numbers for interim/beta releases
Added and methods to class
Added APIs for Vertex Buffer Objects to simplify transition of code from SDL
OpenGL-Image 1.02
Removed redundant documentation from Image.pm
Fixed/enhanced priority handling and engine info retrieval
for GetEngines and HasEngine.
Updated OpenGL-Image.t to reflect changes
Cleaned up NewEngine
Cleaned up Image.pod, INSTALL and README
Fixed version number for OpenGL::Image::Common
Enhanced hex_tile.pl
OpenGL-Image 1.01
Fixed typo in test app.
Added support for 24 bit images in Targa.pm
Added support for runlength-encoded images in Targa.pm
Fixed non-alpha image handling (eg: JPEGs) for unix in Magick.pm
Updated STDERR handling when attempting to load image modules.
Added GetPowerOf2.
Updated SyncOGA in Magick.pm to handle image resizing.
Added hex_tile.pl screensaver
OpenGL-Image 1.00
OpenGL-Image 0.00_2
Fixed GetPixel/SetPixel
Added a Targa (uncompressed RGBA) driver
Changed default engine from Magick to Targa
OpenGL-Shader 1.01
Removed duplicate documentation in Shader.pm
Added support for parameters fewer than 4 in SetVector
Updated GetTypes and HasType to reflect changes in OpenGL::Image
Updated OpenGL-Shader.t to reflect changes
Fixed tests for shader support
Added shader-test.pl - sample shader app<
OpenGL-Shader 1.00